It is wise to consult your attorney before you start a business. Myers Law Group LLC is available to entrepreneurs and corporations near Cranberry Township, Wexford, Canonsburg, and the surrounding areas for legal counsel concerning your new business structure and incorporation. We can counsel you on issues of federal and local compliance, and will be in your corner if you need a corporate litigation team. For a description of how we can help, please see below.
Myers Law Group has represented multiple companies for many years as their exclusive business law representation. This service can be very attractive to the smaller business as legal counsel is always available and at reasonable rates. We provide a practical and balanced approach to these miscellaneous topics. The costs of having an attorney inside as an employee is eliminated and the costs are actually reduced when the client can tap into the expertise needed at our law firm.
Myers Law Group can represent the corporate client on a daily basis and for a small monthly retainer. Services typically include contract review, employee agreements including severance and non complete, defense litigation, collection litigation, lease review and many other corporate topics. Jeffrey Myers obtained his MBA at night at Duquesne University while working for a major Grocery Chain in their real estate development group. While continuing to work and after the MBA he completed Law School at night also at Duquesne. Understanding business and law has been a strong combination for our clients.
Myers Law Group has flexible arrangements with regard to retainers and hourly rates. If a corporate client wishes to maintain a monthly relationship we have currently arranged for a minimum monthly retainer of $500 per month that would provide for no less than 4 hours of legal services each month at the direction of corporate leadership. Special topics would be under a separate agreement at a very reasonable hourly or other agreed upon rate. Your corporation can have legal counsel available don't make decisions without additional insight. Have In-House Counsel on a reasonable budget.
Corporations Must Have Legal Representation - If you own a Corporation and you proceed to Court on a case either as the Defendant or Plaintiff you must have by court rule an Attorney. This is because you have a legal entity that you cannot represent as the lawyer. There have been many cases where the party represented with object to the corporation owner representing themselves. This is embarrassing for the corporation owner and can jeopardize the outcome of the case. Remember the corporation is set up to protect the individual owners and as such is in need of legal representation.
If you have additional questions or would like to set up an initial consultation at Myers Law Group, LLC, call 724-778-8800 or email